Having great amenities at your apartment in Joplin or Webb City helps make your home more enjoyable, efficient, and relaxing. One of the factors when choosing a quality apartment includes amenities you might not find at most other complexes.
One thing to look for in an apartment in Joplin, MO, is a business center. When you need to catch up on work remotely or need a break from the clamoring in your living space, a business center can give you a quiet respite to get some work done. Read our guide to how to maximize the time you spend at your apartment business center for some tips on the right way to use it.
Amenities of a Business Center
The business center is located in the clubhouse of our apartments in Joplin or Webb City. Hours may vary from place to place, and make sure you have access to the clubhouse’s amenities with the right key from the apartment manager.
While you’re in the business center, look over these great amenities:
Desktop computers are programmed for common tasks, such as browsing the internet, writing, checking email, and working with spreadsheets. For security purposes, you may need a special passcode to unlock the computer once you get there.
A printer is perfect for printing reports and correspondence when needed. You can easily take work back to your apartment if printouts are necessary.
High-speed internet helps you get more done without having to wait for pages to load.
A comfortable office chair helps you be more comfortable when you’re being productive.
Wi-Fi is available f you want to bring your laptop to a quiet environment. You can plug your laptop into the printer if needed.
Do you need to escape into someone else’s world for a while? Look for books on the shelves of the business center. There is a wide selection. You can take one of them back to your apartment. We ask that you please return the book when you are done with it.

Planning Your Time Wisely
Let’s say you have a two-hour block of time you need to get work done in the business center. Plan your time wisely so you can make the most of your work time.
Set Clear Goals
Decide on two to three specific tasks you need to accomplish during your time at the business center, such as drafting a report, answering emails, and preparing a presentation. If you can’t get them done completely, aim to make some headway to lighten your workload tomorrow.
Gather What You Need
Bring all necessary items with you, like your phone, headphones, chargers, files, notes, and laptop with a power cord. That way, you don’t have to spend 10 minutes going back and forth to your apartment if you forget something.
Tune Out Any Noises
Consider time in the business center your focus time. Tune out any ambient noises from occasional people in the background with headphones or earbuds. Listen to music, particularly wordless music or ambient noise, so you’re not listening to lyrics or songs that might interrupt your thinking.
Manage Your Time Properly
Break tasks into blocks, like 25 minutes or 55 minutes, with a 5-minute break at the end of that block of time. Use a timer on your smartphone to count down the minutes.
Assign specific time limits to each task to keep yourself on track. If your workplace uses project management software, chances are good that your employer synchronizes a time-tracking software with it.
Handle high-priority tasks first. Start with what’s most important or time-sensitive before heading to lower-priority tasks.
Prioritizing Your Tasks
Consider prioritizing your tasks before heading to the business center.
Create a Ranked List
Write down all the tasks you need to complete. Assign each task a priority level based on deadlines, impact, and difficulty. For example, there might be a task that takes 10 minutes to complete, yet it can save you 30 minutes of time as you move to a more complicated task after that one.
Turn Long Tasks Into a Series of Short Ones
If you have a long task that may take 5 hours to complete, convert it into a series of short tasks. For example, you need to write a 2,000-word case study for your company’s website. Break the task down into three parts: Research, Writing, and Revising. The research phase is where you find the necessary data to go into the case study, which may take 1 hour. Then, writing takes 3 hours, and revising takes another hour.
Eat That Frog Method
The thought of eating a frog may be gross, but this is a well-established productivity technique. Think of the task you’re dreading the most, as if you’re eating a frog. It has to be done, so you may as well get it over with. Harder tasks are easier when your brain is fresh, and you’ve just started the work session.

Business Center Etiquette
The business center at your apartment in Joplin or Webb City is open for all residents, so please remember some simple etiquette rules when using it.
Start by keeping noise levels low to avoid disturbing others working nearby. Use headphones for calls or videos, and speak quietly during necessary conversations. Consider turning your phone to vibrate, just as you would at the office. Avoid using the speakerphone option, as it often distracts others trying to focus. It’s best to use the golden rule here, where you treat others as you would like to be treated when working.
Keep the place clean. Take your personal belongings with you when leaving the area. Use nearby trashcans for any wrappers or bottles of water. Avoid eating messy or strong-smelling foods. Additionally, please do not eat when sitting at the desktops or computer equipment we supply. It takes just one spill to ruin a piece of electronic equipment!
If all of the desktops are busy and you’ve been there for a few hours, consider ending your session for a little bit to give others a chance to use the business center. Courteous behavior from all of our residents can go a long way!
Welcome Home to Our Apartments in Joplin or Webb City
We want you to have the best possible experience at our apartments in Joplin or Webb City. Many of our properties have a business center to help you stay more productive, and you’re welcome to use these resources as a resident.
Contact us or call (417) 624-4144 to schedule a tour with our team. We look forward to meeting you!